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Showing posts with the label Blog length

What is an Ideal Length for a Blog? Should it be?

According to a recent study, blogs, which appears more frequently on search engines, are between 300 to more than 1500 words long. It also says blogs of more than 1000 words are frequently picked up and shared than blogs of shorter length. I agree that this study depends more on the population of readers that share blogs on social platform like twitter. The study also said that to keep up with the word length, the writers definitely feel the pressure, and that is not a healthy option for writers. The blogging is more about sharing your thoughts and ideas freely with others, although a professional and commercial aspect is associated with most of it. Imagine, if the thought process results in a 2000 words long blog, and blogger shrink it down to make it more popular, it may end up in a different piece of work from the original. Similarly, if one produces a blog of 200 words only, he shouldn't try to stretch it to more than 1000 words, which can compromise the content and ideas. I ...