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Showing posts with the label failures

A little into attitude and life principles

A person who seems impatient at work front might be very patient in his personal and family life. The way one displays his virtue at any particular point of time or place all depends on the situation, his mental strength and his experiences. If a person is left with no other choice but to show patience, then he ends up being patient. But, if you have options then definitely you will react or display the attitude that is easily reachable and not the one which is hard to show.  In earlier days, great living principles were attained by very few people. For more than 90% of the population, the aim in life was to earn bread and live healthy and disease-free. Only a few were there with zeal and enthusiasm to make their life useful and achieve something. But, if we look around us, one will find persons with courage/endurance/patience and other great abilities in them. But, many times they feel it is redundant to show them, and in some cases, they don't realize their posse...