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Showing posts with the label xp

unetbootin-making bootable usb very easy for laptop or netbook

I remember earlier making bootable usb was a big task. Also after so much of effort, chances were that it might not work because of some errors in making process. But now with unetbootin, its really easy. I tried it with different versions of windows (even xp) and it worked always. Just two step to follow once the program is with you. All you really need is the program (download from ) and the iso image file of your OS, and a spare usb (4gb I prefer, as it will be sufficient for all windows editions). Run the program and it will make it in easy steps. If one is facing problem in installation, the common reason is FAT32/NTFS format. If your usb format is different, format it accordingly and try again. Otherwise, I never faced any problem in installing OS in laptop/pc/netbook.

problem installing xp on netbook

I know that many users face this problem while installing xp on netbook. The moment you boot from external drive or usb, blue screen appears showing some missing files (bootmanager). This happens because of the new SATA hard disks of netbooks are in ICHE configuration that blocks the installation. The simple thing you need to do is change the configuration from ICHE to IDE and try again from external usb/drive.