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Showing posts with the label TuneIn

What is music? What role does it play in your life? Have you listened to most of it, or some of it? Is your hunger for more music is still on?

For many people, music serves much more than a source of entertainment. One can call music as lifeline, staple food, oxygen, travel friend, gym partner, walking companion, cooking buddy, relaxation source, and sleep guide. People say it's the best medicine for the mind. Mind is generally a place of chaos, it looks somewhat like a busy station or cluttered closet or office desk. If one doesn't clear things from it, it's difficult to add or keep more, be it ideas, thoughts or plans. For most of the humans, this is a difficult task, a notion that is rarely realized or practiced. If they do realize, they are clueless as to how to do it. You will agree that the thinking process is a loop mechanism, and most of the times, an endless cycle, which is very difficult to break. Experts and wise people have devised some methods to deal with it. Practices of Meditation, Prayers, Yoga, or concentrating on activities like exercise, drawing or painting, and listening to music are some of...