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Showing posts with the label citations

Reference or Bibliography in Word-easy way out

Many of us face either/or combinations of these issues very often- I have a list of references in word. But now the format needs to change to numbers rather alphabetical. I don't use any paid reference manager, so how to do it easily. I can save my reference in bibtex format, but word uses xml format. I use word on two different PCs. How to manage my references. I cant find my reference style in my microsoft word. So, there are solutions internet provide, but require some effort to solve every issue. I have tried putting together everything to answer above questions Start with a search of your reference in google scholar Save the search in your google scholar library. This step will be repeated many times to build your library, but trust me, its one time effort, and far better than others, where you have to do a lot of typing or copy-pasting. Save your list of reference from google scholar in ref man format (.ris). Somehow, it saves one page (20 references) at...