"Oh... Definitely, I have seen him somewhere" - she said. But her memory is not helping. In the last few days, she has spotted him a few times. The first remembrance was when she was having the morning tea in her balcony, and he was walking by. She noticed it because she felt his gaze fixed at her for a moment. He was not staring but gave a quick side glance at her, and that penetrated her mind and etched a memory. Then, she saw him in the market, from a distance but did experience similar feelings. Now, it has occurred a few times, and her mind is restless with the thought that anytime and anywhere, he is watching her and she has not spotted him. It's a terrorizing and disturbing thought. "Why am I thinking this way, and why that guy?" She is a rational and logical person. There are hundreds of people one meet, some frequently, some occasionally and few rarely. None have left this kind of impression. "Who is this guy? What's the reason for this kind of feeling?" - again she thought. She decided to collect her thoughts in writing so that she can figure out this identity. She has read somewhere that this is an effective way if you want some answers from your mind. She let her mind think deeply - "who is this guy?" She started thinking backward in her history - "Which places I visited and were there any faces, which she encountered momentarily but stayed in her memory. Where.... When...... Ohhhh...is it? "- she was surprised. "This can't be possible." She visited an island a few years back. On the very first day, when she was driving away from the airport, she saw a place where the road was very close to the sea, and there was a lovely coastal town. It was majestic beauty all around. She stopped there for a while, near one property, and went down to see the shore. Cold, chilly weather but clear sky with the sunshine. The water and the sky were crystal blue and the town was a green carpet with houses in between. It was something right from an ideal painting or beautiful p
icture one sees on the internet. It's hard to believe that these kinds of places do exist in reality. After taking all the beauty and memories, she was heading back to the road. Then, she remembers it sharply, one guy, standing on the porch of his house, one hand in his pocket and one using to smoke, was staring at her continuously. Nobody can tell whether it was a casual glance or an intentional gaze. She didn't pay any attention, but their gaze met and his face etched down in her memory. She forgot it afterward and thoroughly enjoyed her vacations at different locations on that island. She liked that island so much, that after coming back from that tour, she started reading stories and novels whose plots are based on that place. She read a few, but somehow all of them were murder mysteries. She doesn't know it doe sure, but she thinks that her personal experience and stories of that place she read somehow have mixed up to generate some odd product in her mind. She has also read somewhere that there are seven persons in the world who share the same face. "So, is it some coincidence. But why am I feeling that he is staring or watching me? Or is it something supernatural thing? I don't know. But, its good, at least I have figured out who is the guy. Now, why I am experiencing this, need some more time to figure out. Let's get ready for the office".
Gumption- It's really a unique word, and a fascinating one too. The word really impressed me. I heard it recently in the movie 'The Holiday', where an elder character suggested the protagonist to have gumption to live a good life. The origin of this word has been mentioned to be of early 18th century (originally Scots). The dictionary meaning of gumption is "shrewd or spirited initiative and resourcefulness". Some of the synonyms which helps to understand the meaning are "initiative, resourcefulness, ingenuity, inventiveness, cleverness, shrewdness, acumen". Another meaning or definition which I personally like is "the ability to decide what is the best thing to do in a particular situation, and to do it with energy and determination". In other words "the strong will and determination to do something". Many a time, in your life, gumption acts as a prerequisite to handle or face a situation, but not everyone is lucky to have it. If o...
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