Technology has taken deep roots in our daily life. It would not be false if I say, it has taken over us. Be it your mobile, computer, TV, wifi, bikes, cars, or similar materialistic things. Your holidays are no more peaceful holidays, they are constant exchange of text, pics, news, and information. The mind never is at peace when awake. It is struggling to keep with huge amount of information, most of that it cant process or do not require at the first place. One should ask a simple question, do I really need this much information or resources to live a peaceful life. Is it not a peer pressure to keep up the things, most of which you don't require. The mobile phone with most of us today are powerful gadgets with huge capacity to do many things. They are even better than most of the efficient people on earth today. A phone is not merely a phone, but much more than that, it's your camera, social connection, news point, and professional need. Imagine the number of photos clicked by a single person in a month, which is enormously high than it was five years back. We are generating so much digital content and most of it is useless. The question which continuously bothers me is - do I really need this much of technology invasion in my life? We are being controlled by them, tapping every moment and action of our life. In earlier times, people used to have an office and personal number. I feel, now we need to have phones which can be switched to home, office, or social. But, the simple problem with us is that most of us do not want to segregate and declutter this mess. They are happy to mix these phases, doing social life in office, doing office life at home and some might be doing home life in office. The ugly truth is that its slowly affecting the society. People are more active on digital platform than real life, which is kind of isolating them. The bad future of this will be total absence of real social life, which can kill the concept of human being a social animal. In all of this, I am not even counting the associated health hazards. I wish that there should be certain guidelines to direct people to this issue. Declutter your current life and keep only the bare minimum, which gives you the ultimate peace. Other way of doing it is to keep different parts of life separate, which some of us might be doing. There is no logic of mixing your personal, social and professional life unless one doesn't realize or acknowledge their existence.
Gumption- It's really a unique word, and a fascinating one too. The word really impressed me. I heard it recently in the movie 'The Holiday', where an elder character suggested the protagonist to have gumption to live a good life. The origin of this word has been mentioned to be of early 18th century (originally Scots). The dictionary meaning of gumption is "shrewd or spirited initiative and resourcefulness". Some of the synonyms which helps to understand the meaning are "initiative, resourcefulness, ingenuity, inventiveness, cleverness, shrewdness, acumen". Another meaning or definition which I personally like is "the ability to decide what is the best thing to do in a particular situation, and to do it with energy and determination". In other words "the strong will and determination to do something". Many a time, in your life, gumption acts as a prerequisite to handle or face a situation, but not everyone is lucky to have it. If o...
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