As an adult, every individual is entitled to independent thinking, decisions, and actions. However, if consequences of these thoughts and actions turn up against you in a certain point of life, you land up in a situation, where guilty dominates and blurs your mind. It makes you feel bad and you regret your actions done in the past. In short, it becomes an ugly situation. You start thinking low of yourself. You feel awkward, thinking about what the others will think of you. You start regretting why did you commit the mistake in the first place. You start thinking of ifs and buts of that scenario. It makes you feel so bad that ultimately you are disheartened and get stressed up and who knows it might affect your health. But the thought to ponder upon is, whether it's the action or opinion of others, which one is exactly disturbing. If you stop thinking about others, maybe, it will hurt any more or lesser at least. Also, whatever was the case, you are the one who thought and acted in the first place. So what, if it didn't turn uprightly, or put it this way-didn't turn up the way you expected. In any case, why should you get worked up for this? It's done, for real, it's done, and nothing can be done now. The crisis management approach, which you think can improve the situation, can be more dangerous. It's highly probable that this set of actions is not well thought and it's been processed in a hurry, which in turn can possibly do more damage. It's wiser to stick to the version that it has happened, and nothing more can be done there, and it should be your thought to peace. Frankly speaking, it is generally observed that people give a damn about these points, which we otherwise think are big and real, and bothering us. The more you don't think about what happened, the better u will feel. This can definitely change ur moment and the day.
Gumption- It's really a unique word, and a fascinating one too. The word really impressed me. I heard it recently in the movie 'The Holiday', where an elder character suggested the protagonist to have gumption to live a good life. The origin of this word has been mentioned to be of early 18th century (originally Scots). The dictionary meaning of gumption is "shrewd or spirited initiative and resourcefulness". Some of the synonyms which helps to understand the meaning are "initiative, resourcefulness, ingenuity, inventiveness, cleverness, shrewdness, acumen". Another meaning or definition which I personally like is "the ability to decide what is the best thing to do in a particular situation, and to do it with energy and determination". In other words "the strong will and determination to do something". Many a time, in your life, gumption acts as a prerequisite to handle or face a situation, but not everyone is lucky to have it. If o...
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