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Showing posts from 2019

A trekking experience to a small hill in a countryside town- A short story

Sam always see locals spending their weekends participating in some kind of sports activity like cycling, trekking, or playing soccer, badminton, lawn tennis, volleyball, and baseball. Some guys play indoor games like snooker/billiards, bowling or video games. Right from the school days, Sam has always been the guy who would immerse himself in study and research. During his growing years, he did explore all kinds of sports for the heck of it, but never progressed and pursued anything beyond knowing it. Even today, all he knows and does is research, but whenever he gets a chance, he tries to check his skills, be it football, volleyball, table tennis, badminton, swimming, pumping iron in a gym, doing push-ups or pull-ups in a playground. Outdoor sports activities have always fascinated him, but not enough to pursue it regularly. But, on this particular day, after seeing some locals going for trekking that morning, he thought of trying it out himself - A trek on a small hill. Altho...

What is an Ideal Length for a Blog? Should it be?

According to a recent study, blogs, which appears more frequently on search engines, are between 300 to more than 1500 words long. It also says blogs of more than 1000 words are frequently picked up and shared than blogs of shorter length. I agree that this study depends more on the population of readers that share blogs on social platform like twitter. The study also said that to keep up with the word length, the writers definitely feel the pressure, and that is not a healthy option for writers. The blogging is more about sharing your thoughts and ideas freely with others, although a professional and commercial aspect is associated with most of it. Imagine, if the thought process results in a 2000 words long blog, and blogger shrink it down to make it more popular, it may end up in a different piece of work from the original. Similarly, if one produces a blog of 200 words only, he shouldn't try to stretch it to more than 1000 words, which can compromise the content and ideas. I ...

Gumption- a must have to handle life situations. Do you have it in you?

Gumption- It's really a unique word, and a fascinating one too. The word really impressed me. I heard it recently in the movie 'The Holiday', where an elder character suggested the protagonist to have gumption to live a good life. The origin of this word has been mentioned to be of early 18th century (originally Scots). The dictionary meaning of gumption is "shrewd or spirited initiative and resourcefulness". Some of the synonyms which helps to understand the meaning are "initiative, resourcefulness, ingenuity, inventiveness, cleverness, shrewdness, acumen". Another meaning or definition which I personally like is "the ability to decide what is the best thing to do in a particular situation, and to do it with energy and determination". In other words "the strong will and determination to do something". Many a time, in your life, gumption acts as a prerequisite to handle or face a situation, but not everyone is lucky to have it. If o...

The load of Guilt and Regret

As an adult, every individual is entitled to independent thinking, decisions, and actions. However, if consequences of these thoughts and actions turn up against you in a certain point of life, you land up in a situation, where guilty dominates and blurs your mind.  It makes you feel bad and you regret your actions done in the past. In short, it becomes an ugly situation. You start thinking low of yourself. You feel awkward, thinking about what the others will think of you. You start regretting why did you commit the mistake in the first place. You start thinking of ifs and buts of that scenario. It makes you feel so bad that ultimately you are disheartened and get stressed up and who knows it might affect your health. But the thought to ponder upon is, whether it's the action or opinion of others, which one is exactly disturbing. If you stop thinking about others, maybe, it will hurt any more or lesser at least. Also, whatever was the case, you are the one who thought and acted ...


Days are high or days are low So are the feelings they actually show Hard or soft, whatever life blow Sadness or happiness, either will grow But, your perception is always dying to bow You never know what life will throw But, deep inside you always seems to know The toughest part is to say yes or no Whether to take it fast or little slow Whether to keep it high or somewhat low Or it's best to go with the flow Days are high or days are low -hari-ar-cane

What is music? What role does it play in your life? Have you listened to most of it, or some of it? Is your hunger for more music is still on?

For many people, music serves much more than a source of entertainment. One can call music as lifeline, staple food, oxygen, travel friend, gym partner, walking companion, cooking buddy, relaxation source, and sleep guide. People say it's the best medicine for the mind. Mind is generally a place of chaos, it looks somewhat like a busy station or cluttered closet or office desk. If one doesn't clear things from it, it's difficult to add or keep more, be it ideas, thoughts or plans. For most of the humans, this is a difficult task, a notion that is rarely realized or practiced. If they do realize, they are clueless as to how to do it. You will agree that the thinking process is a loop mechanism, and most of the times, an endless cycle, which is very difficult to break. Experts and wise people have devised some methods to deal with it. Practices of Meditation, Prayers, Yoga, or concentrating on activities like exercise, drawing or painting, and listening to music are some of...

Good Quotes

"People need routines. It’s like a theme in music. But it also restricts your thoughts and actions and limits your freedom. It structures your priorities and in some cases distorts your logic." -Haruki Murakami

Declutter your current lifestyle, keep bare minimum and gain ultimate peace

Technology has taken deep roots in our daily life. It would not be false if I say, it has taken over us. Be it your mobile, computer, TV, wifi, bikes, cars, or similar materialistic things. Your holidays are no more peaceful holidays, they are constant exchange of text, pics, news, and information. The mind never is at peace when awake. It is struggling to keep with huge amount of information, most of that it cant process or do not require at the first place. One should ask a simple question, do I really need this much information or resources to live a peaceful life. Is it not a peer pressure to keep up the things, most of which you don't require. The mobile phone with most of us today are powerful gadgets with huge capacity to do many things. They are even better than most of the efficient people on earth today. A phone is not merely a phone, but much more than that, it's your camera, social connection, news point, and professional need. Imagine the number of photos clicked...

Challenge yourself, enhance your learning, gain wisdom

One of the good point about Gandhi Ji was that his mind was restless. He always tried something new, he never was contented with his present. He never thought once in his life that he is settled, at peace and satisfied. I think this is one of the many reasons that he was a great person. He never tried to hide his mistakes/faults. He denied primary education to his children, his elder son was very unhappy with him for this. Unfortunately, this was also one of his experiment with life. But many of his other experiments like cleanliness, ahinsa were globally appreciated and accepted. So, don't stop yourself from experimenting, just because of the fear of failing or non-acceptance by society. I agree there is risk, but risk is there in anything and everything in life, the only difference is our faith in the outcome. We are generally happy in taking those calculative risk, where the results are more or less favorable. Challenging yourself is the best thing a person can do all his life...